Τα πάντα για την τριχόπτωση και τα αδύναμα μαλλιά

Everything about hair loss and weak hair

Causes that are responsible for hair loss and affect the quality of the hair.


The mild and gradual thinning of hair that can sometimes start even from the age of 22-25 (in some cases it appears 2-3 years earlier), is most often the result of heredity. Usually a relative, (mother, father etc) had a similar rate and percentage of dilution. Hereditary can also be both the time cycle and the intensity of the dilution, e.g. in some cases every 10-12 years and for some months there is a deterioration of the condition of the hair.


A difficult psychological situation, intense stress or some great sadness, can affect the proper functioning of the mechanism that generates, nourishes and keeps the hair alive. This results in cases ranging from a simple and mild change in hair quality to an unusual hair loss that in some cases lasts up to 10-12 months.


Medications are designed to heal. Sometimes, however, they cause unwanted side effects that may also be related to the quality of the hair. Specific treatments can cause mild or severe hair loss or changes in their texture and quality. Most side effects are temporary and the hair usually returns within a few months.


Seasonal hair loss is a form of temporary and reversible hair loss that usually occurs in spring and fall. Instead of the normal loss of 60-90 hairs per day, increased hair loss is observed. The intensity and duration varies from person to person. In fact, it is not true hair loss as the loss does not exceed the normal values, it just reaches the upper values ​​and the hair comes back almost completely


A diet that is poor in vitamins, proteins and nutrients does not supply the mechanism that generates, nourishes and grows hair with the appropriate energy, as a result of which the quality of the hair is affected and the phenomena of dryness, dullness, weakness and hair loss are observed. Also, not drinking enough water (1.5-2 liters per day) can affect the condition and texture of the hair. Finally, in several cases, after a strict diet mild to severe hair loss has been observed that lasts up to 6 months.


Many times health issues such as hormonal disorders, thyroid problems but also blood related issues such as low hematocrit, iron etc. they are causes to see the hair limp, sickly and with less resistance. Also, changes in our body due to pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, overwork, etc., can create dysfunction in the scalp. Finally, in people with health problems mild as well as cases of severe hair loss have been observed.


There are various scalp conditions that can cause temporary as well as permanent damage to the roots resulting in weakening, hair loss and permanent thinning. Diseases such as Androgenetic Alopecia, Gyroid Alopecia, Seborrheic Dermatitis and Inflammatory diseases are diagnosed only after a visit to a dermatologist and require constant monitoring.


An environment with intense air pollution or a closed industrial non-ventilated space can negatively affect the quality and texture of the hair. Prolonged exposure to the sun can also alter their texture, create intense dryness and dullness, as well as micro-injuries to the hair follicles, resulting in sometimes mild hair loss.


Daily washing, very frequent styling (4-5 times/week), careless and unprotected use of styling tools (blow dryer, iron, scissors), additional accessories (postige, braids, extensions, etc.), tight grip with a rubber band , often cause severe irritation to the scalp such as redness, itching and in some cases hair loss. Regular and comprehensive hair care with the right products (hair masks, nourishing oils, etc.) and the appropriate method, offers the necessary supplement of hydration, protection, nourishment and strengthening that all hair needs.


Prolonged use of styling products (gel, mousse, hairspray, etc.) and placing them on the scalp in large quantities can cause irritation and problems such as weakness and hair loss. This happens because the pores of the skin are closed and the normal function of the scalp is prevented, consequently affecting hair growth. Poor quality styling products make the problem worse.

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