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What are the most important foods for strong and healthy hair!

Read about the most valuable ingredients that should be taken in your diet in order to have healthy and shiny hair!


It is a necessary component for the synthesis of keratin which is the structural protein of the hair. Because our bodies have no way to store this nutrient, we must get it regularly through the diet to keep its levels high. Foods that contain zinc include seafood such as oysters, lobster and crab, as well as meat such as beef, pork and chicken. Eggs, cereals, beans, yogurt and cashews also contain zinc.


If you're losing more hair than normal, an iron deficiency may be to blame. Research has shown that there is a direct correlation between iron deficiency and poor health and hair loss. Foods that are rich in iron are liver, beef, soybeans, artichokes, spinach and prunes. If you want to take an iron supplement, you should check with your doctor first, as it can upset your digestive system.

B complex vitamins

They can help reduce the number of hairs you lose each day and keep your hair lush and healthy. You need to eat a variety of foods to make sure you get all the B vitamins you need. You'll find them in green leafy vegetables, whole grains, meat, beans, nuts, lentils, spinach, asparagus and some seafood.

Vitamin C

Antioxidant substances contained in foods, such as vitamin C, are extremely beneficial as they protect hair cells from free radicals that cause premature hair aging. This particular vitamin contributes to the formation of collagen, which is a structural component of the tissues of the hair follicle from which hair is produced and regenerated. Sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits such as orange and lemon.


Calcium helps stimulate hormones necessary for hair growth. It also makes your hair healthier and stronger. You can find calcium mainly in dairy products, such as milk and cheese. It is also found in large amounts in foods such as broccoli, oranges, apricots and sardines.

Vitamin D

Research has shown that vitamin D helps grow healthy hair follicles. The best source of vitamin D is fish such as herring, trout, salmon, etc. You can find it in milk (cow's, goat's), as well as soy milk, almond milk, etc. Vitamin D is also created by our own body. , when exposed to the sun. Try to be exposed to the sun for at least 15 minutes a day.

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  • Maria Vassiloglou (Dietitian-Nutritionist MSc)
  • www.onmed.gr
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